Continued 𝜷-fractions with Pisot unit base in 𝑭𝒒 ((𝒙−𝟏)) Continued 𝜷-fractions with Pisot unit base in 𝑭𝒒 ((𝒙−𝟏))

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Rania Kammoun


In this paper, we are interested in introducing a new theory of continued fractions based on the beta-expansion theory in the field of Laurent series over a finite field ð¹ð‘ž. We will characterize all elements having finite continued beta-fraction where the base is a unit Pisot quadratic series.
Classification Mathematic Subject: 11R06, 37B50.

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How to Cite
Kammoun, R. (2018). Continued 𝜷-fractions with Pisot unit base in 𝑭𝒒 ((𝒙−𝟏)): Continued 𝜷-fractions with Pisot unit base in 𝑭𝒒 ((𝒙−𝟏)). Asian Journal of Mathematical Sciences(AJMS), 1(06). Retrieved from
Research Article