Solution of Beal’s Conjecture in the Paradigm of Quantum Mathematics Solution of Beal’s Conjecture in the Paradigm of Quantum Mathematics

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Yuri A. Ivliev


The article gives a tight review of the author’s work dedicated to a new trend in modern mathematics called quantum computing mathematics. Quantum computing methods are interpreted extendedly as relating to quantum mathematical information (quantum mathematics). Mathematical information quanta are whole numbers (integers) characterizing principal integrity of relevant mathematical objects. This approach was applied to solving Beal’s Conjecture (Generalized Fermat’s Last Theorem) that allowed not only to prove the famous problem but unmask excessive formalism of traditional quantum theories. It was revealed also that Fermat’s method of infinite descent was in fact the first case of exact application of quantum ideology in pure mathematics.

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How to Cite
Ivliev, Y. A. (2018). Solution of Beal’s Conjecture in the Paradigm of Quantum Mathematics: Solution of Beal’s Conjecture in the Paradigm of Quantum Mathematics. Asian Journal of Mathematical Sciences(AJMS), 2(01). Retrieved from
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