Dr. M.A. Naidu,

B.R. Nahata College of Pharmacy,

Mhow-Neemuch Road,

Mandsaur- 458001 (M.P.)


Email: ma.naidu@meu.edu.in



Mr. E. M. Elsayed 
Department of Mathematics,

Faculty of Science, Mansoura University,

Mansoura 35516, EGYPT. 
E-mail: emelsayed@mans.edu.eg

Orchid id: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0894-8472


Prof. Dr. H. M. Srivastava
Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia V8W 3R4,CANADA
Email- harimsri@math.uvic.ca

Orchid id: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9277-8092


Dr. Yashwant K Panwar,
Assistant professor, Department of Mathematics,

Government Model PG College, Jhabua (MP)
Email: dryashwant.panwar@mp.gov.in

Orchid id: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7429-4043


Mr. E. M. Elsayed 
Department of Mathematics,

Faculty of Science, Mansoura University,

Mansoura 35516, EGYPT. 
E-mail: emelsayed@mans.edu.eg

Orchid id: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0894-8472


Prof. Shyam Lal
Department of Mathematics Institute of Science
Banaras Hindu University Varanasi-221005,

Email: shyam_lal@rediffmail.com

Francisco Bulnes
PhD, PostDoct, Doctor H. C., ORCID Researcher
Department of Research in Mathematics and Engineering
Federal Highway Mexico-Cuautla, Tlapala "La Candelaria",
Chalco State of MEXICO
Email: francisco.bulnes@tesch.edu.mx

Prof. Dr. H. M. Srivastava
Professor Emeritus,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
University of Victoria,
Victoria, British Columbia V8W 3R4,CANADA

Orchid id: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9277-8092


Dr. Ferit Gurbuz

Associate Professor Doctor (Assoc. Prof. Dr.)    

Hakkari University ,Faculty of Education, 

Department of Mathematics Education, 

Hakkari 30000,TURKEY 

Email: feritgurbuz84@hotmail.com


Dr. Manoj Kumar

Department of Mathematics,

Echelon Institute of Technology

Faridabad, Haryana, INDIA

Email: Kumarm1968@rediffmail.com


Dr. P. Senthil Kumar

M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Phil. PGDCA, PGDAOR., Ph.D.,

Associate Professor (Mathematics),

Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University,

Bengaluru, Karnataka INDIA

Email: senthilkp@blr.amity.edu

Orchid id: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4317-1021