The Collatz Conjecture: Determining an Infinite Convergent Sequence The Collatz Conjecture: Determining an Infinite Convergent Sequence

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Tim Tarver


The field of number theory is vital in mathematics. Vitality of this field includes and is not limited to the distribution of prime numbers and cryptography. One of the most important unsolved mathematics problems are the Collatz conjecture. This conjecture consists of a sequence to determine whether it converges to one for all positive initial integer values. The conjecture may hint to other findings later down the road. This paper was developed to numerically specify the Collatz sequence. Also, the specification was set up to lead towards proof.

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How to Cite
Tarver, T. (2018). The Collatz Conjecture: Determining an Infinite Convergent Sequence: The Collatz Conjecture: Determining an Infinite Convergent Sequence. Asian Journal of Mathematical Sciences(AJMS), 1(02). Retrieved from
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