Virtual Assistant in Business: A Primer Virtual Assistant in Business: A Primer

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Rotimi-Williams Bello


Virtual assistants refer to artificial intelligence-based systems that offer help with any of a multiple of tasks. Virtual assistants are tools controlled by human; they are not meant to replace human. They are only invented to assist human in carrying out some of the day-to-day tasks and responsibilities. They allow human to invest their power and time on more impactful things. However, the application of this technological innovation is still very new, although some are home-based applications while some are work-based applications. This paper introduces virtual assistants as technological innovation meant to relieve both the business owners and their employees from stress and wastage.

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How to Cite
Bello, R.-W. (2019). Virtual Assistant in Business: A Primer: Virtual Assistant in Business: A Primer. Asian Journal of Mathematical Sciences(AJMS), 3(2). Retrieved from
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