Application of Multi-server Queue Model (m/m/c) for Waiting Lines Management in Banking System

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S. A. Akande


Queues or waiting lines arise when the demand for service exceeds the capacity of a service facility.
One of the major challenges bank customers encounter in banks is the waiting lines in automated teller
machines (ATMs). This study formulated a Multi-Server Queue Model (M/M/C) for Queue Management
in Banking ATM. The performance level of a typical bank ATM has been effectively investigated using
the M/M/S queuing model. It was observed that the busy time of the machine is 2.6 h while the idle time
is 7.4 h in the 10 h of banking time which is attributed to the availability of many servers in the system.
The utilization factor is 0.26 or 26.0% shows that the service delivery of the machine is very efficient and
there is no urgent need for an additional server. The researcher thereby recommended that banks should
consider the use of the queue model to test the performance of waiting lines in the ATMs.

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How to Cite
Akande, S. A. . (2022). Application of Multi-server Queue Model (m/m/c) for Waiting Lines Management in Banking System. Asian Journal of Mathematical Sciences(AJMS), 6(1).
Research Article